The books for the 2015 Ontario Library Association’s “Forest of Reading” programs that we have received in the library are now available for loan. Please encourage your child to read these excellent books all written by Canadian authors. The books for grade 3 to 8 are available for sign out, but we are still waiting to receive the Blue Spruce books for Kindergarten to Grade 2 to arrive any day now.

Mrs. Banks keeps track of who signs out the books. If students read a total of five or more books in a category (fiction or non-fiction), they are eligible to vote for their favourite book in April. Students may read as many books as possible. You may also wish to read one of the books aloud to your class.

Many teacher-librarians and librarians from schools and public libraries across Ontario read hundreds of books and select the ten best books recently published. From the nominated titles (ten in each category), students may vote in the library for their favourite book in April, 2015. The votes are counted from schools and public libraries all across Ontario and the winning authors are given special awards at a large ceremony at Harbourfront in Toronto in May, 2015. Taking part in these programs and because of awards presented, Canadian authors are encouraged to keep on writing excellent literature for our young readers.

P.S. Anita Brooks-Kirkland, former consultant and head of libraries with WRDSB is now president of the Ontario Library Association. She designed and organized our newly renovated Lincoln Heights library.